
Dr. Daniel Dale, MD

Dr. Dale is an acknowledged healthcare executive with confirmed achievements. He runs both pharmaceutical and medical device companies. Additionally, Dr. Dale gains rich experience in successfully developing and commercializing drug delivery platforms, a particularly valuable asset with regards to Icon’s Verisome technology.

Dr. Dale served as President in biopharmaceutical company since 2005. Prior to this, Dr. Dale was Chef of Pharmaceutical Technologies, a drug delivery division of Pharmaceutical Technologies – a predecessor to Valeant Pharmaceuticals International. Earlier in his career, he served as a vice president, Drug Development at Med Source Corporation and in a variety of management positions at Elan Corporation. Dr. Dale gained a medical degree from the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG).

Leon Townsend, MD

Being a Certified General Surgeon, Dr. Townsend has over 25 years of experience in clinical practice. He has also over 12 years of experience in the pharmaceutical space. He was employed as Vice President at small-sized pharmaceutical facilities.

Alfie Hodgson, MD

Alfie Hodgson was employed in Icon Bioscience, Inc. His status was the Vice President of Quality and Compliance in 2012. He has over 25 years of experience. It includes laboratory operations, clinical trials from the I – IV stages. Prior to Icon, Alfie was working with Teva Pharmaceuticals, MAP Pharmaceuticals, Boston Scientific.



My Canadian Pharmacy is an informative service. All the information should not be used in the purposes to establish a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment plan. Our company is a vendor, not a drug manufacturer. We cooperate with drug manufacturers who distribute their products to us. We have no relation with Icon Bioscience and Verisome. They move to another domain. We bear no responsibility for any damage brought to your health. All the questions related to the drug quality should be addressed to the drug manufacturer directly.